KW Kaleidoscope Collective

A community-based-arts organization nurturing projects that achieve deep engagement in service of a socially just society.


Our Current Two Minute Play Project focusing on stories of Housing Precarity and Homelessness.


— Story of Dommy

Becky becomes pregnant. It’s not
planned. Giving birth in a home for single mothers she faces the apprehension of
her child not once but three times
ultimately losing him to foster care.
Could there be another way?


— A Better Tent City

When extreme weather happens. Where do unsheltered or precariously
housed people go? Often A Better Tent
City. Find out why.


— Love Seats

Gina finds herself homeless. Rather than be on the street, she seeks shelter with friends, acquaintances, and sometimes people she barely knows. What happens when the loveseats run out? And they belong to someone else.

How we work

Our methodology is derived from the praxis of applied theatre. We are currently focused on developing our Two Minute Play Laboratory which is a form of community-based and driven research that builds self-awareness, social awareness, and system awareness through theatre games, techniques, exercises, and dramaturgy.

We deliver awareness workshops that feature dramatizations of lived experiences where we support participants to unpack what they are learning together.

To present meaningful work that reflects and represents the unique character, challenges, and diversity of Waterloo Region.